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5 signs he’s good at sex

Abuja – So you’ve checked this guy out from top to bottom: Shiny shoes, a belt that matches, nicely groomed neck hair. 
Will he rise to the occasion? Down there, that is. Cosmopolitan gives you five signs to tell.
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1. He puts you first

He doesn’t just race to the finish line leaving you behind. 

2. He gives back – orally.

He doesn’t just expect you to go down on him and then that’s it – he’s a man of the people. Always giving something back.

3. He kisses you after he does it

He knows that you two are together and body fluids are part of the package.

4. He doesn’t push your head down

He gives you the freedom to please him the way you want. And you probably know best anyway, right?

5. He doesn’t ignore the rest of your body

Some guys think you’re a walking vagina. That’s not so cool.

Read more at Cosmopolitan.

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