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5 Surprising Sources of Omega-3s

What makes omega-3 fats special? These essential fatty acids play a vital role in our bodies –from helping to control blood clotting to building brain cells — and have also been linked with many health benefits, such as protection against heart disease, some types of cancer, and even age-related memory loss.

Here are five surprising foods to help you get more beneficial omega-3s in your diet:
Beans – Not only are beans an excellent source of protein, an eight-ounce serving of tofu (derived from soybeans) has about 1.2 grams of omega’s, while a cup of kidney beans packs in nearly 1 gram (about half of what you need for the day). Enjoy a meatless main dish with this simple Beans & Rice recipe.
Winter Squash – Fantastic for roasting, pumpkin, and butternut squash are best known for their beta-carotene content, but they also contain omega-3s. One cup of butternut squash has about 50 mg of omega-3s. Try this amazing Butternut Squash and Quinoa Salad.
Eggs –  Eggs are now known to be nutritional all-stars: one egg has 13 vitamins and minerals and high-quality protein, all for 70 calories.
Flax Seeds – Two tablespoons of ground flax seeds have about 3.4 grams of omega-3s. (Make sure you grind the seeds or they will pass through the body mostly undigested!) In addition to their omega-3s, flax seeds are an excellent source of fiber.
Walnuts – Just one ounce (about ¼ cup shelled walnut pieces) has 2.5 grams of omega-3s, making them the richest nut-source of this essential nutrient. In addition, an ounce of walnuts provides a convenient source of protein (4 grams) and fiber (2 grams).  Pump up the nutrition of your oatmeal, salads, snacks, main dishes and even desserts with this nutty nutritional powerhouse.

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