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Five Powerful Antibiotics That Don’t Require a Prescription

Garlic has been used medicinally by cultures around the world for thousands of years. In fact, it was used in the 1700s to ward off plague.
Garlic possesses potent antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties and is able to help protect and facilitate removal of unfriendly bacteria. It is also very high in natural antioxidants that destroy free radicals, which also supports a strong immune system.

 Colloidal silver
Colloidal silver has been known as an effective antibiotic for centuries. In the early 1900s, Alfred Searle, founder of the Searle pharmaceutical company, discovered that it could kill the most deadly pathogens.
Recent research has also stated that colloidal silver can destroy antibiotic resistant microbes like MRSA, the bird flu, and SARS.

Oil of Oregano
Oil of oregano takes care of pathogenic bacteria without disrupting beneficial bacteria. It is also antiviral and antifungal which makes it a powerful three-in-one combination that rivals pharmaceuticals while not encouraging antibiotic resistance.

Echinacea has been used to treat a wide variety of infections for hundreds of years. Traditionally, it was used to treat open wounds, diphtheria, blood poisoning, and other bacterial related illnesses.

Manuka Honey
Perhaps the most palatable antibiotic comes in the form of manuka honey. Applied topically it can kill a wide range of pathogens including MRSA and flesh eating bacteria. It was also found that the treated bacteria did not build up any resistance, which would eventually render manuka honey ineffective.

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