Home remedies for Sore throat
Regardless of the cause of your sore throat, at-home care strategies usually provide temporary relief. Try these strategies:
Rest. Get plenty of sleep and rest your voice.
Drink fluids. Drink plenty of water to keep the throat moist and prevent dehydration.
Try comforting foods and beverage. Warm liquids — broth, caffeine-free tea or warm water with honey — and cold treats such as ice pops can soothe a sore throat.
Gargle saltwater. A saltwater gargle of 1 teaspoon (5 grams) of table salt to 8 ounces (237 milliliters) of warm water can help soothe a sore throat. Gargle the solution and then spit it out.
Humidify the air. Use a cool-air humidifier to eliminate dry air that may further irritate a sore throat or sit for several minutes in a steamy bathroom.
Avoid irritants. Keep your home free from cigarette smoke and cleaning products that can irritate the throat.
Treat pain and fever. May minimize throat pain. Aspirin has been linked with Reye's syndrome, so use caution when giving aspirin to children or teenagers. Though aspirin is approved for use in children older than age 2, children and teenagers recovering from chickenpox or flu-like symptoms should never take aspirin. Talk to your doctor if you have concerns.
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